synology chat webhook

Chat, an enterprise messaging service running on Synology NAS, is the solution to save your time from composing emails and improve the efficiency of corporate communication. ... With the integration of Synology Calendar and Video Station, you can easily c

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Sync is a powerful and flexible application, which allows you to share anything you have on your computer. Sync uses advanced peer-to-peer technology to share files between devices. Because there is n...

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  • Chat, an enterprise messaging service running on Synology NAS, is the solution to save you...
    Chat | Synology Inc.
  • Hi guys, Does someone has good knowledge about webhooks? I never used them before but i li...
    Sonarr Webhook -> Synology Chat : sonarr - reddit ...
  • Forum rules 1) This is a user forum for Synology users to share experience/help out each o...
    Trigger webhooks - Synology Forum
  • Forum rules 1) This is a user forum for Synology users to share experience/help out each o...
    Webhook problem - Synology Forum
  • Recent Synology NAS devices include a service called Synology Chat. This service is meant ...
    Supporting Synology Chat · ackbarrEmby.Plugins Wiki · ...
  • 在百花齊放的通訊軟體中,總是對企業的公、私不分訊息造成一些困擾,台灣NAS廠商Synology推出了一套即時通訊套件「Synology Chat」,其功能特色有別於一般大眾通訊軟體...
    給企業專注、純粹的即時溝通平台 - Synology Chat - 挨 踢 路 人 ...
  • 而当团队脑力风暴停滞不前,或者需要每天浏览大量工作网站时。通过在 Chat 中配置传入和发出的 webhook ... 这也相当于建立了一个项目内部的私有云,安全性也得到了很好的保...
    业界动态:更高效的工作方式——Synology Chat
  • 导语:时隔一年,群晖在陆续推出或升级SpreadSheet、MailPlus等办公应用套件之后,再一次将目光瞄上了协同办公市场,在2016年9月25日举行的群晖全球发布会中国站上,...
    更高效的工作方式——Synology Chat-PChome
  • 時隔一年,群暉在陸續推出或升級SpreadSheet、MailPlus等辦公應用套件之後,再一次將目光瞄上了協同辦公市場,在2016年9月25日舉行的群暉全球發布會中國站上,群暉帶...
    群暉瞄上了協同辦公市場,Synology Chat價值幾何? - 每日頭條 ...